Another great online writing website is Associated Content. Write about the topics that you love, and earn upfront cash for the articles you write. You can choose to make them exclusive (not published anywhere else), or non-exclusive (can still be published elsewhere)....Work at home, choose your own time to write, and you can have a flexible schedule.
Associated Content makes it easy to earn the money that you need.
You can get paid anywhere from $5-$10 per article....
You will also get paid per page views as well. While your articles have been published, you can promote them by sending links to your friends, sharing them on Twitter or Facebook, or posting them to your blog....
If you happen to find yourself out of work, and need to make some extra cash, Associated Content is a great place to start.....And it's free to join..... All you need is some creativity, a few great ideas to write about, and of course-a paypal account--so you can get paid for the work that you do....
Want to sign up for free and join? ...Click here to sign up today...