Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How to Help Less Fortunate Families

There are many families in every community that are just barely getting by. There are a variety of ways that we can help families, and children, who are less fortunate or are currently experiencing hardship. If community organizations, or your family, can come together, these families can get the help that they need and begin to overcome their hardships. Read on to gather some ideas on how you can help families in need in your area.



Form a canned food drive with your church, organization, or school. Have everybody bring in canned foods, Make it a contest to see who can bring in the most items. Set the food drive for a specific time, and have a prize for the ones who bring in the most. Donate the food to area food pantries or shelters.


Put together a coat drive. In the winter, many families can not afford coats for their young children or themselves. Begin collecting coats in the early fall. Have an open time where families can come in and pick out a coats

Click here to learn more about helping families who are less fortunate...

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